Sunday, November 8, 2015


I am a late starter when it comes to the blogging world.  I've had it in mind for a few years but waited until I had the time to dedicate to blogging itself, and the purpose behind my decision to blog.  There are so many talented and creative bloggers that share their thoughts, ideas and crafts with the world.  I admire them and appreciate the time, effort, skill and stories they have invested in their blogs.  I want to join the ranks.

Simply put, I like to make stuff and share it.  I come from a long line of immensely smart and creative people.  One of my grandmothers made quilts to support herself and her children after her husband died in an accident.  My mother and her sisters are accomplished artists and  published authors.  Another grandmother crocheted and knitted intricate doilies, tablecloths and pillow edgings.  I have samples of their works.  My mother wrote biographies and family histories.  She sewed most of our clothes while we were growing up.  She was the best cook I know.  As I already mentioned, she painted and drew and kept years and years worth of personal journals in which she filled with drawings and thoughts and daily life.  She passed away a few years ago and I miss her everyday.  I have been extremely blessed with a wonderful (and large) family. 

I saw a sign recently that listed life's priorities as God, family, and everything else.  I agree.

So here I am. 

There are several factors that came together to bring me to this point.  As mentioned above, God and family started me in this direction.  As a young adult (yes, years ago), I made a decision to make sure I had a personal relationship with each of my nieces and nephews.  The number back then was relatively (pun intended) small.  I have 26 nieces and nephews now, many of them married with children of their own.  I started out by memorizing their birthdays and making sure each of them received a card or some kind of remembrance from me on their birthday.  Even now, I believe I can recite their birthdays (no testing allowed). Remembering their birthdays and staying involved has been rewarding.  I know and love them all.

Another factor is about 20 years ago, I was introduced to scrapbooking by some co-workers.  I wanted in and that began my addiction to paper crafts.  I married my practice of sending birthday cards with my addiction to paper crafts.  Card making is the natural outcome.  This has been my focus for many years.  At one point while making cards for family, I realized that some of the youngest members of my large family did not have the opportunity to personally meet or know the grandparents I had grown up with.  I wanted to introduce them.  Knowing who and where you come from, I believe, is essential is keeping you grounded.  Even though our ancestors are gone from our sight, they are a great source of strength and stability.  One year, starting in January, I began to dedicate that year's birthday card to a specific relative that had passed on.  I include a paragraph or two with basic biographic information.  That exercise brought me joy.  Unfortunately, due to personal circumstances, I had to abandon my birthday cards for a season.

This is a long post...  I am going to take a break for now, but there is more to come...

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